I’ve moved!

Well my site has, kind of. I thought I was just upgrading my page but it started me a brand new one and I can’t figure out how to link them to one another (seriously haaaaalp!)
So until further notice my future posts will be at https://jmkpeterson.wordpress.com Been There Diy’d That
Come check it out! (It’s much prettier)

Shakeology Fudge

Trying to stay on track during the holidays can be such a struggle. My sweet tooth goes crazy and wants cookies, chocolate, cocoa and FUDGE!
Fudge is a huge weakness for me.
I’m trying my best to not stray from my healthy eating course so I decided to make some healthy fudge to get me through these horrendous cravings.
Behold Shakeology “fudge”. IMG_6450.JPG
I’m not sure if you can really call it fudge but it’s super easy and does the trick for me. I actually came across this concoction by messing up a recipe for shakeology brownies that a friend sent me. Sometimes mistakes are blessings!
1T peanut butter
1T coconut oil
1 scoop or packet of chocolate shakeology
1/4t stevia

Melt peanut butter and coconut oil in microwave.
Add shakeology and stevia.
Mix well and flatten into storage container.
Cut into squares.
Refrigerate (sets up in 5 minutes)

I’ve also made this with vanilla shakeology and added 1/4t pumpkin pie spice. Delish!
Want more recipes? Need help staying on track? Email me! jmkpeterson@gmail.com
Want to join my New Years health and fitness group? Shoot me an email jmkpeterson@gmail.com and sign up for me to be your free coach here. https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=319016

Happy Healthy Holidays!

Clean Eating Chicken Nuggets

Sometimes, and it’s rare but sometimes you score big mom points at dinner. I happened to score huge mom points last night when I experimented with some clean chicken nuggets.
They were a big hit and my family ate every bite! My husband even said that they rival Chik-Fil-a nuggets!


1 lb. organic boneless chicken breasts (or tenders), cut into small bite sized pieces (1/2-inch by 1-inch)
3 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon Italian herbs
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoons whole wheat panko bread crumbs
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast or you could use parmesan cheese
Coconut oil spray

Preheat the oven to 450°.
Add the chicken with the oil followed by the salt, Italian herbs, garlic salt, oregano, and black pepper. Massage the chicken with the spices thoroughly.
Add the chicken, bread crumbs and nutritional yeast to a ziplock bag. Seal the bag and shake it all up until the chicken is coated.
Spray a baking sheet with coconut oil spray.
Lay the nuggets on the baking sheet in a single layer.
Spray the top side of the chicken with coconut oil.
Bake for 8 minutes on each side.
I’ll definitely be adding this to the weekly rotation!


What Is A Challenge Group?

What is a Challenge Group?
A Challenge Group is a small group committed to getting healthy by participating in Beachbody workout programs for a defined period of time. A Beachbody Coach organizes the group and sets up a private Facebook page for the group members. Everyone in the group helps and motivates each other to achieve their health and fitness goals by sharing tips, recipes, accountability and results. The Coach will provide meal plans or clean eating options for the duration of the group, usually 21 days. It takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit! 21 day challenge groups are a great way to jumpstart your journey.

Pick a program like P90X3, T25 or Piyo. Cant pick a program? Contact me and I can help you decide what program works best for you based on your fitness level and goals. Drinking Shakeology daily is an integral part of the fitness model. I usually replace breakfast with Shakeology or as a snack after my workout.
My last challenge group is just finishing up, I’m getting their results in and calculating, so far i have the stats of 5 girls who have lost a combined total of 44 lbs and 53.5 inches! I have 5 more sending in their stats soon!
Join my next Facebook Challenge Group. Contact me for more details. I will put you in the private group, give you weekly meal plans and stay in contact daily to make sure we are staying on track!
As long as you are willing, your goals are in reach!

Start your journey here by making me your free coach! https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=319016
Take the challenge https://teambeachbody.com/beachbody-challenge?referringRepId=319016 and choose your program https://teambeachbody.com/checkout/-/bbcheckout/challengepack?referringRepId=319016
Enter your results when you’ve finished a program, get a free t-shirt and you could also win $500-$1000 or more!

Have questions? Need help getting your challenge pack? Send me a message! jmkpeterson@gmail.com

Brazil Butt Lift and Shakeology Results


Ok, so I said I would post this like 2 weeks ago, SORRY! Life happens, kids happen, laziness happens, margaritas happen.

But here they are, my results from 70ish days of Brazil Butt Lift and drinking Shakeology daily. (Yes, 70-ish-remeber: Margaritas happen!)I lost 6.2lbs and 5.75 in. I’m finding that the weight and inches are coming off much more slowly than when I started at 187lbs. But I’ll take it, progress is progress!

This program was fun! There is latin dancing, squats, weights, squats, a video just for abs and of course, squats and I’m getting pretty darn good at them! I liked this workout and i feel like it targeted my problem areas. My tummy, my love handles and my thighs. Although the stats don’t show much, a picture speaks 1,000 words and i think there is a big difference!

Want to try Brazil Butt Lift? http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BrazilButtLift?referringRepId=319016

Want to accelerate your results with shakeology? https://teambeachbody.com/checkout/-/bbcheckout/challengepack?referringRepId=319016

Want in on my next free challenge group? 21 days of meal plans, motivation and encouragement for free from yours truly! https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=319016

I would love to have you! My current challenge group has 1 week left and these 8 girls have already lost a combined total of 71 lbs and over 70 inches in 2 weeks!!

The next group starts August 4th in a private Facebook group. Just sign up with the link provided then send me a friend request. https://www.facebook.com/julia.kelly2

Be sure to send me a message and let me know you want in!


My P90X3 Results

blog post

I’ve posted a bit about my fitness journey and I have been slacking lately. But I did finish P90X3! And I am so excited to share my results! After 90-ish days (listen, there were some missed workouts, vacations, birthdays, Earth Day, you know the normal days that require rest and cheat meals) of working out and eating clean, I am proud to say that I am down 25 pounds and 26 inches! I went from a size 16 to an 8 and a XXL to a Medium! I participated in 21 day challenge groups to help me get motivated and keep going and I even have my family eating healthy and exercising!

Don’t believe me? The proof is in the pudding! (What does that even mean?) Look for yourself!

p90X3 results

Was it hard?

Yes, at first but there is a modifier in every workout. Sometimes I modified the modifier and sometimes I kept up with the big boys!

Was my “diet” ( I hate that word) hard?

No! Actually it was pretty easy! I joined a free online challenge group. With that I got 3 weeks of clean eating meal plans, motivation and support. I loved it so much I joined another and now I run them myself. My last 21 day challenge group lost a total of 27 pounds and 16 inches!

Why 21 days?

Ever heard the phrase “It takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit”? Its true! First of all, you can do anything for 3 weeks, like, anything! And once you’ve gone that long it’s easy to just keep going! Especially when you see results!

Why Shakeology? 

Why would I only invest in half of my health? Abs are made in the kitchen. Seriously what you put in your body is 80% of your health. Shakeology is the healthiest thing I consume every day. Its like going to the salad bar 9 times. Theres no way I could consume that many veggies and super foods on my own each day.

Is my journey over?

Heck no! I’m just beginning. Actually I’m starting a new program tomorrow-Brazil Butt Lift (makes me laugh every time) And I’m joining another 21 day challenge group to get me started right. I’ll post about that when I finish. 🙂

Want results too? Want to join my next challenge group? Contact me or get your challenge pack here


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Note: This program was finished April 19th. I just now got around to blogging about it 🙂 Since then I have also completed Brazil Butt lift and had amazing results 😉 Blog on that to come this week!

A Parrty Fit For A Pirate

My son turned five in March. My sweet little baby is now a little boy. A messy, crazy, fun and adventurous boy.
Turning five is a big deal. I mean, it’s one whole hand of fingers! So when he said he wanted a pirate party, I went all out.
First were the invitations. I created them on the Red Stamp app on my phone and then opened up the picture in PicStitch and sent them to Walgreens to print for half the price.

Next was the menu. I saw some cute things on Pinterest and adapted them for the party. We had Lil’ Smokies aka “Dead Mans Fingers”, cubed cheese-“Pirates Gold”, fruit bowl-“Pirates Jewels”, potato chips and goldfish crackers-“Fish n’ Chips”, black gumballs were “Cannon Balls” and gummy worms were “Fish Bait”.
I made some cute food signs (what do you call those? Food place cards?) on my computer to label everything.


I got the idea for a “pirate chest” drink cooler from Just a Frugal Mom. I dry-brushed some brown and tan paint on the two-dollar, styrofoam ice chest to make it look aged and added black electrical tape for the straps, adding white “studs” on the straps with paint.

After that, I got lazy and everything else came from Amazon. Pirate flag and sword toothpicks for the finger foods, cute little photo props.

Pin the eyepatch on the pirate games, all the favors (eyepatches, tattoos, candy,mustaches, swords and pirate hats) and the treasure chest I put them in, tablecloths, flags and pendants-all from Amazon.
My friend Robin at I Think So! Cupcakes made this awesome pirate cake accompanied by her famous maple-bacon cupcakes that I put on a cute pirate ship cupcake stand that my mom bought.


We rented a rock climb wall/slide/bouncy house to entertain the kids but most importantly, to wear them out after their sugar rush.


I let the kids fill their own treat bags out of the “Treasure Chest” when they were leaving. I hate writing thank you notes after a birthday party. And I really hate trying to write down who brought what when my kids are opening gifts, slowing down the party and frustrating myself almost as much as it frustrates the birthday boy when he’s trying to rip open every gift as fast as he can. So when I made the invites, I made matching thank you notes at the same time and put them in the treat bags.

My son loved his party and all the kids had a blast! My youngest wants a football party for his birthday in July, I’m open to suggestions!






The Diary of a Serial Dieter.


It hits you like a ton of bricks. You don’t know how you got to this point, when it got this bad, where you went wrong and how you never noticed until now. Maybe you went to the doctor and had to step on the scale, maybe you were tagged in a less than flattering photo on Facebook. For me it was when my size 16 jeans wouldn’t zip.
Maybe “a ton of bricks” is a bit of an exaggeration. I noticed I was gaining weight. I didn’t like the way my clothes fit. I hated that I had to buy a size 16. I tried to ignore it, wear leggings and baggy shirts and convince myself that look was “in”. Honestly I do know how I got to that point. It was simple, a series of small bad choices made almost daily.
I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I’m a serial dieter, yo-yo-ing constantly. My closet consists of pants ranging from size 4 to 16 if that tells you anything. I was a chubby kid. My mother, who has never struggled with her weight, had no idea how to handle my father’s genetics creeping up on me. She remembers seeing the change after I was repeatedly put on steroids one year as a child but I think I was destined to have this struggle. My father has Type 2 Diabetes along with the majority of his family. I have a grandmother who had open heart surgery as well as Diabetes on the other side of my family. After her surgery she got healthy and would take me on walks. She always told me that I got dealt a shitty hand and I would have to work twice as hard as my friends to maintain a healthy weight.
So I did. I really can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t on a diet. I packed Diet Cokes and Snack Wells in my lunches during grade school, graduating to Slim Fast in Middle School and Junior High.

Something awesome happened in High school, I got mono! I lost 20 lbs and besides not being able to move without throwing up for 2 months, it was amazing! Not wanting to gain the weight back and not wanting my friends to notice that I wasn’t eating, I started my little phase of bulimia. Easiest weight loss program I ever did. Until my friends mom walked in on me throwing up and told my parents. They started monitoring me closely, so I found myself going to gas station bathrooms to throw up. I got pretty thin and my parents knew what was up (and I think the convenience store clerks were suspicious as well) so eventually that all came to an end.

In college, I quickly packed on the “freshman fifteen”. My mother took me to a weight loss doctor and got me on Xenical. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a “fat-blocking” pill. It literally makes you shit out the fat you eat. That worked well for awhile until I would partake in pizza night and fart grease for 2 days.

My next venture was Atkins. Twenty pounds lost in about a month! It didn’t last. The very minute I ate a French fry, the carbs took over my body and I gained forty pounds. I swear it happened almost exactly like
that…for the most part.

In my mid-twenties I went to a Bariatrician and was put on Phentermine, some other speed pill and a high dose of Thyroid. Rapid weight loss alongside crazy bitchiness. But I stuck with it, losing fifty pounds and finding myself screaming at my boyfriend for not putting his spoon in the dishwasher.

20140304-101145.jpg I also decided to go very blonde in my crazy-pants state.
My semi-psychotic life seemed great, after all, this was what I wanted, I had lost weight easily and I looked good… until I got pregnant. I gained almost 80lbs. Crazy how that weight comes on when you have to eat again.

20140304-102356.jpg I got less crazy and went brunette.

After my son stopped nursing I got back on the Phentermine. I was losing weight for about two weeks until I found out I was pregnant again. Determined not to gain an additional eighty pounds, I met with a nutritionist who told me to simply cut out salt and eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. So I did and I actually lost weight during that pregnancy despite growing a 9.6 lb boy inside me.

20140304-103147.jpg I kept up the healthy eating after giving birth and lost weight rapidly for the 6 weeks before I had Mirena birth control installed, for lack of a better term, in me. I don’t know what it is about me and birth control but I gained 26 lbs in a little over a month, not changing any of my healthy eating. I decided to try to fight the weight gain, after having two boys fifteen months apart, I would rather fight the birth control weight than the pregnancy weight.
I started running. I quit running. I started dieting. I quit dieting. I started running again. I quit running again. I started dieting.
I think society has this idea that someone who is overweight, sits on their butt all day and eats chocolate and cheese-fries. It’s not the case. I cooked my family healthy meals. We had occasional deserts but nothing that a normal, healthy family doesn’t eat. I never ate breakfast, was usually too busy for lunch and I would snack while cooking dinner and then be full. How was I fat? I never ate!





Apparently that was my problem. Through my yo-yo-ing I had ruined my body and my metabolism. After seeing my friend dieting, exercising and losing forty pounds the right way. I reached out. I joined one of her challenge groups and learned so much. I have to fuel my body, I have to retrain my metabolism and I have to eat enough food to do this. After eating clean and drinking Shakeology for one of my 6 daily meals for 21 days I had lost twelve pounds. I like Shakeology because it’s not a weight loss drink (I’m through with the quick and easy route) it’s lots of nutritious super foods and it gets me my daily serving of fruits and veggies which is hard to squeeze in every day. So I kicked it up a notch after my 21 day challenge. I started doing P90X3 workouts in the comfort of my own home. No meatheads at the gym, no seemingly judging eyes, no self-conscious thoughts that had made me quit in the past. Just thirty minutes a day, six days a week. I was amazed at the results after just two weeks!

As mortifying as those pictures are, they serve as motivation for me to keep pushing every day. That and my awesome Beachbody Coach that holds me accountable, puts me in challenge groups, gives me meal plans and supports me even when I struggle, especially when I struggle.
I’ve been at this since December 2nd. And I’m blown away at what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it. I’ve lost 24 lbs and 20 inches. I’m down 3 pants sizes, going from a 16 to a 10 and I’m still going strong.

If you’re interested in Shakeology, P90X3, other Beachbody workouts or having your own coach and accountability click here.


Just Go With It


All of my friends know that I’ll take their junk off of their hands. I love repurposing and refinishing things but sometimes someone will call and say “Hey! I’ve got a dresser, want it?” And I’m like “Duh!” And then I get it and I’m like “Uh, what is it?” Like this thing…

It took me months of approaching this thing in my garage, sanding it, leaving it alone for awhile, priming it and leaving it alone for awhile before I was just like “Screw it! I’m just gonna paint it and see where it takes me!”

So decided on a nice taupe chalk paint for the base because it’s neutral and I still didn’t know what the heck this thing was going to be. After the taupe was on, I decided to rough it up by dry brushing it. It was a little rough to begin with so why not just go with it? But I kinda wanted her to be fancier instead of just rustic, so I chose a shimmery bronze for the process. It looked really cool, rustic with a fancy edge!

I even brushed the bronze on the knobs for a little extra flair.

Now what to do with that big, open whatever-that-space-is. I thought about shutters but couldn’t find any that fit so I decided on a curtain and I had some really cute printed burlap leftover from a burlap wreath that I had made. So I bought a small tension rod and sewed the curtain. It was really easy. I measured the space and cut a piece of the burlap a few inches longer and wider than the measurements for the opening. I hemmed the bottom and sides then at the top I made the hem big enough for the tension rod to slide through.

The bottom drawer was functioning but pretty janky, so I covered a shoe box in burlap using spray adhesive.

Then that space… It had a bar running across the top so I decided hang some old shower hooks from it to expand the possibilities that this thing could be.

Hang your children’s wrinkly clothes, it could be a dress-up station!

Store your gift bags and wrapping paper, it could be a craft table!

Put it in the kitchen, store your pots and pans, hang your utensils, it’s a sideboard!

Put it in your bedroom and you’ve got an awesome dresser where you can also hang your purses, jewelry and scarves!

I added some cute printed craft paper to line the drawers and she was done.

Here she is, my multi-purpose dresser-thing.



Shakeology Cleanse Review

For a while now, I’ve been a pretty clean eater. Mostly grain free, gluten free, sometimes dairy free. We like to eat as organically as possible in a city with no Whole Foods or Sprouts. It’s difficult and it’s a little expensive. I usually have 1 “cheat” meal a week and I’m pretty good about staying on track. Until Thanksgiving came…
I wasn’t losing weight with my diet and that was frustrating but I was maintaining. Then when I “went crazy” for a few days around the holiday, I gained a freaking pound a day! How completely unfair!
I have a friend that thinks the same way as me about weight loss. We hate it. We hate exercise. We hate people that lose weight and we are convinced that those that do, are on meth.
When my friends lose weight, I warn them that I will hate them and we won’t be friends anymore. So when my fellow health-hater started losing weight I couldn’t believe that she would pick a hot body over being my friend.
But I like her, so I asked her how she got these results.

She lost 40 lbs doing Shakeology as a meal replacement for one of her 6, yes that is 6 meals a day and doing P90x.
Well I wasn’t sure about the exercise, I still thought that was pretty dumb. I go through spurts where I think running is great and I do it for a month or two before it gets way too easy to make up excuses. But the shakes sounded neat, full of super foods and vitamins. She offered me a 3-day Shakeology Cleanse. Cleanses are great for you when done in moderation and after eating all of that junk I needed something to get me back on track.





So December 2nd I started the cleanse. I was pretty hungry the first day but every time I wanted to eat, I guzzled water. And the shakes tasted pretty good, plus I got to eat a huge spinach salad for dinner. The next day wasn’t so bad and by day 3, I could have kept going! My results? I lost 6.8 lbs in those 3 days! I was pumped!
But I didn’t want to start eating and gain it all back. So Ashley gave me a 21 Day Challenge- Meal Plan. It had 6 meals a day, one being Shakeology. I was still a little nervous that eating all that food would expand my stomach again and make me gain weight. But it didn’t! I continued to lose weight slowly with just the meal plan and shakes. So I thought if I could lose that weight during the holidays with a completely sedentary lifestyle, then how much of a boost could I get from exercise too? Ashley told me that P90x3 was coming out and it was just a 30 minute workout each day. It’s pretty hard to make an excuse for just 30 minutes of my day.

20131230-094239.jpg I am proud to say that I survived week 1 of P90X3 and I am down 10lbs since the beginning of the month. I’ll keep you updated about my future progress!
For more information on Shakeology, P90X3 or meal planning, go to my website.
